
Reverse SPF

Find domains sharing the same SPF record.

 The Reverse SPF Tool requires a premium subscription. 

Use the Reverse SPF Tool for:

  • Find domains by querying the SPF records.
  • Explore the SPF history of a domain.
  • Find SPF records by wildcard keyword.
  • Discover historical domains using an SPF record.

Our Statistics

  Premium Only
400+ million SPF Records
  Premium Only
500+ million Historical SPF Records
  Premium Only
10+ years of historical data
  Premium Only
14 days refresh interval

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a SPF record?
An SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record is a type of DNS record that specifies which mail servers are authorized to send emails on behalf of a domain. It helps prevent email spoofing by allowing receiving mail servers to verify that incoming emails claiming to be from a domain actually originate from a server authorized by that domain's administrator.
What happened to the previous SPF Lookup Tool
We want to inform you that, starting January 1, 2024, our SPF Lookup tool will reach its end of life. This decision comes as we shift our focus to developing more advanced search solutions to better serve our users.
How often do you resolve SPF records for an IP address?
Our DNS crawlers attempt to resolve each SPF record every two weeks.


  Premium Only
Domains with SPF containing the keyword "*smtp*"
  Premium Only
Historical domains with SPF "*smtp*"
  Premium Only
New registered domains with SPF "_spf.google.com"

  Premium Only
Domains with SPF containing the IP ""
  Domain -  History -  RDNS