
API Access to DNSlytics

Our Free and Premium API calls enable access for 3rd party services to our content and tools. The interface is based on HTTPS GET requests and the data type is JSON. The Premium price model is based on Pay-as-You-go. Every API call gets debited from your API credit balance. You can buy API credits at https://search.dnslytics.com/pricing.

API Types

API Type Description Credits
AccountInfo Returns the current status of your API account. free
ASInfo Returns information and statistics about every AS number. 10
DomainSearch Returns registered and previously registered domain names based on one or more keywords. 4
DomainTypos Returns registered domain typos and misspellings for a domain name. 5
HostingHistory Returns IP/DNS history for a specific domain. The following records are supported: A, AAAA, MX, NS and SPF. 4
IPInfo Returns information and statistics about every IP address. 3
IP2ASN Returns the AS number announcing the specific IP address. free
ReverseAdsense Returns domains using the same Google Adsense ID. 6
ReverseGAnalytics Returns domains using the same Google Analytics ID. 6
ReverseHistory Returns historical reverse data for Google Adsense, Google Analytics, IP MX and NS records. 20
ReverseIP Returns domains hosted on the same IP address. 5
ReverseMX Returns domains sharing the same mail server (MX record). 5
ReverseNS Returns domains sharing the same name server (NS record). 5
SubnetInfo Returns information and statistics about an IP subnet. 4

Buy API Credits

General API Information

Rate Limits

Our free API access is limited to 2,500 API requests per day. The Premium API is by default limited to 20,000 requests per day and 30 requests per minute. A HTTP 403 or 429 error with the following JSON object is returned when you hit the daily or minute rate limit.

{"status":"error","data":"Forbidden access denied!"}


{"status":"error","data":"Too Many Requests"}

A HTTP 503 error with the following JSON object is returned when you hit a global rate limit.

{"status":"error","data":"Service Unavailable"}

Backward Compatible

Our API is designed to be backwards compatible. We may add additional response or request fields to the same API version. When implementing backwards-incompatible (breaking) changes, we will change the API version. Older API version will be supported for 6 months.


This paragraph contains the changelog of the DNSlytics API.


Added ReverseHistory API.


The ReverseAdsense and ReverseGAnalytics API now supports up to 100,000 domains per ID. Because of this change the API endpoints do not return historical domains. Use the ReverseHistory API to get historical reverse data.


Added the ReverseGAnalytics API.


Added the ReverseAdsense API.


The ReverseMX and ReverseNS API now supports up to 100,000 domains per MX/NS record.


Added the SubnetInfo API.


Added the DomainTypos API.


Initial release of the DNSlytics API v1.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the new search interface (https://search.dnslytics.com) accessible via the API?

At the moment, the query language of the new search interface is not accessible via the API. The current API is based on the previous web interface, which was run by DNSlytics from 2016 until early 2024.

Are there any plans to support the new search interface in the future?

We plan to release a new version of the API in Q2 2025.

Are the API packages recurring?

API credits are one-time packages and do not renew automatically. When you run out of credits, you can simply purchase a new package. We do not store any payment data on our servers.

Is there a way to track our API credit usage?

At DNSlytics, we follow a minimal logging policy on our live systems. This means you cannot view your historical API calls or track how your API credits were used. However, you can use the AccountInfo API to check your current credit balance. See: https://dnslytics.com/api/accountinfo/. We advice to implement your own API logging mechanism.