
Reverse PTR

Find current and historical PTR / RDNS records.

 The Reverse PTR Tool requires a premium subscription. 

Use the Reverse PTR Tool for:

  • Discover PTR records on the same subnet or provider.
  • Find all PTR records for a single domain.
  • Explore the PTR history of an IP address or domain name.
  • Find PTR records by wildcard keyword.

Our Statistics

  Premium Only
1+ billion PTR Records
  Premium Only
2+ billion Historical PTR Records
  Premium Only
10+ years of historical data
  Premium Only
30 days refresh interval

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a PTR record?
A PTR (Pointer) record is a DNS record used for reverse DNS lookups, mapping an IP address to its associated domain name. It is commonly used for verifying the legitimacy of email sources and in network diagnostics.
Do you support PTR records for IPv6 addresses?
No, at this moment only IPv4 addresses are supported.
How often do you resolve PTR records for an IP address?
Our DNS crawlers attempt to resolve each PTR record every 30 days.


  Premium Only
PTR records containing keyword "*smtp*"

  Premium Only
PTR records for bbc.co.uk

  Premium Only
Historical PTR records for

  Premium Only
PTR records for

  Domain -  History -  RDNS

Timeline collecting RDNS / PTR data

  • Start collecting RDNS / PTR data

    September 2013

    Start collecting RDNS data based on Open Data from Rapid7 Labs. Data is collected every quarter.

  • Start storing historical RDNS Data

    Januari 2014

    Start storing historical RDNS records. Historical records are stored with a first and last seen date.

  • Increased frequency RDNS data

    May 2016

    RDNS data is now refreshed every month.

  • Extending RDNS data

    October 2018

    RDNS data now includes additional data like ASN, provider and GEO data.

  • Start using our own DNS crawler

    June 2021

    Stop using the Open Data from Rapid7 Labs and integrate our own DNS crawler. No changes in the frequency and data collected.