
Reverse IP

Find domains sharing the same IP address or subnet.

Use the Reverse IP Tool for:

  • Perform research on malicious IP addresses.
  • Discover relations like ownership between domain names.
  • Monitor new and removed domains on IP addresses.
  • Discover domains on the same subnet.

Our Statistics

25+ million IPs with domains
  Premium Only
8+ billion historical IP Records
330+ million Active Domains
  Premium Only
10+ years of historical records

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you determine if a domain is hosted on an IP address?
We perform an A or AAAA lookup of the domain name and the www record of the domain name.
What subnets do you support?
We support the CIDR notation for subnets. For example x.x.x.x/8. See example below!
What happened to the previous Reverse IP Tool?
The Reverse IP Tool is now integrated in the new Domain Search interface. With the new interface you can search for domains on many different fields like name, MX/NS records and provider. See examples below!
How often do you resolve IP/DNS records for a domain?
Our DNS crawlers try to resolve every domain name every two weeks.


Domains using IP ""
Domains with TLD .nl using IP ""
  Premium Only
Historical Domains using IP ""

  Premium Only
Domains using CIDR ""

  Domain -  History -  RDNS